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Marketing on TikTok | No (but really no) panic in the agencies

When it comes to recruitment, it was difficult to make our company known to young people. And for the past two years, it's been the opposite. We receive resumes every week, not only from Quebec, but from all over the world.

Marco Prud’Homme, President of Nolinor Aviation

When it comes to reach, there's nothing that compares. Especially if you're targeting a demographic between 18 and 32, TikTok is where it's at right now.

Karyane Boisjoli-Desjardins, Director of Strategy at BDK

I don't have a crystal ball, but I would tend to say that there will be little or no effect in the short term.

Today, TikTok is used by 27% of Canadians according to the latest study by Léger Marketing. We are talking about nearly ten million Canadians who use TikTok today.

Sylvain Amoros, associate professor at HEC Montréal